Fake Search Engine

browser pop-up

During our investigation into deceptive webpages, our researchers uncovered the existence of a fraudulent search engine called We encountered this site through an installer associated with the Apps browser hijacker, which redirects users to However, it is important to note that other browser-hijacking software might also endorse this website.

Browser hijackers promote such fake search engines by altering the browser's settings, setting as the homepage, default search engine, and new tab/window URLs. Once the Apps browser hijacker was installed, users experienced automatic redirects when opening new browser tabs or windows and typing search queries into the URL bar.

In our research, the chain of redirects began with, which then led to, and finally landed on the legitimate Bing search engine (

Fake search engines typically lack the ability to provide authentic search results, leading to redirects to genuine internet search websites. However, even if they manage to generate search results, they are often inaccurate and may contain sponsored, irrelevant, deceptive, and potentially harmful content. It is worth noting that may lead to different redirection chains or destinations.

Moreover, browser-hijacking software like Apps often employs persistence-ensuring techniques to prevent users from regaining control of their browsers. In this case, the Apps extension utilizes the "Managed by your organization" feature in Google Chrome to achieve this purpose.

Why Should You Always Avoid Using Fake Search Engines?

Avoiding the use of fake search engines is crucial for several significant reasons, as these deceptive websites pose various risks and can lead to detrimental consequences. Here are some compelling reasons to always steer clear of fake search engines:

  • Security Risks: Fake search engines are often associated with malicious activities, such as phishing attempts, malware distribution, and other cyber threats. When you use these sites to search for information, you expose yourself to potential security breaches and the risk of having your personal data compromised.
  • Misleading Results: Fake search engines do not deliver reliable or accurate search results. They might display sponsored or irrelevant content, leading you to deceptive websites or potentially harmful links. Relying on such search engines can be frustrating and counterproductive in finding genuine information.
  • Privacy Concerns: Many fake search engines track and collect users' search queries, browsing history, and other sensitive data without consent. This invasive data collection can lead to privacy violations, as the information may be sold to third parties or used for targeted advertising.
  • Increased Exposure to Scams: Fake search engines are often associated with fraudulent activities. Using these sites might expose you to scams, phishing schemes, and other online frauds, putting you at risk of financial losses or identity theft.
  • Browser Hijacking: Some fake search engines are promoted by browser-hijacking software, which alters your browser's settings without your knowledge or consent. This can result in unwanted changes to your homepage, default search engine, and new tab settings, disrupting your browsing experience.
July 21, 2023

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